Get into the shape you have always wanted

with Get Strong Denver

The benefits of social

When you are working with a partner, you will feel more motivated and the friendliness of the team takes your mind off of how hard you are working. Before you know it, you just had a wonderful workout!

Semi-private, not group

Clients of Get Strong Denver are enjoy one-hour semi-private personal training sessions shared with another person. This allows you to get the individual attention that you need without being left to figure things out for yourself like you would in a gym. It’s a great gem of cost-effective Personal Training right here in the Denver Tech Center!

Customized for you

All clients are treated as individuals. It’s common to have different abilities and injuries than your fellow participant. Since the sessions are limited to two people, both you and your partner will get the personal service that you both need to help you safely and effectively reach your separate goals.

Fitness can be exciting

Daily workouts are divided up into Upper Body, Lower Body, Total Body and Cardio. By changing the focus daily it allows you to come as frequently as you like, although most people come three days a week. Variety is the key to your fitness success. Muscles respond well to variety and since you will NEVER repeat the same workout, there is very little risk of boredom.



Exclusive Two-Person Training

We will team you up with another client so you can motivate and push one another for an exhilarating 45 minute workout.

Workouts are scheduled in advance which helps keep you motivated and accountable to reaching your goals!

It’s better than going for coffee and bagels! (You can still do that too.)


Exclusive Two Person Training- $39/session

Virtual Group Training- $25/session

Individual Personal Training

Individual, or one-on-one training clients enjoy all the benefits of working with a personal trainer in a completely personalized setting.

If you have special needs, are post rehab with severe restrictions, or have very sport specific goals, then Individual training is a great option.

Want to set a time to come every week and have an exclusive appointment with your training partner? Share your workouts with your best friend, spouse or family member with a custom two person session!

Individual one-hour session- $80

Custom two person session- $110